Any pointers?
Published Wednesday, September 28, 2005 by
Namingways Way | E-mail this post 
Right about now it's starting to become real. I have to buckle down and start filling out applications and gathering information. I know one person who has already been through all of this, and can give many, many pointers. I know all but a few of my friends are going through the same things, and I would like to leave this post open as a fourm to discuss problems and goals(mainly with gra, but also with anyone who has something to contribute.) First of all, and most important in my mind is: What is important to look for in a college?
Well, I guess the next would be: What is a good time frame for submitting applications and pacing yourself for completing them
What is the sine of 735652 deg? J/k But I do have a few more. What about all of them 3rd party programs? How can I tell if they are legit?
I'm throwing in my 2-cents here because I'm a former high school teacher/college advisor and I now work for a university.
First and foremost, Graham is right. Never trust 3rd party vendors with this kind of information. The only kind of agencies you can trust outside of the university and the government are business journals (like Newsweek and US News & World Report) who give GREAT tips for how to go through the college process. In fact, the issue about colleges should be coming out fairly shortly here.
Narrow down your choices by picking the things that are most important to you. Make a list of what you would like from your college experience, then start looking for places that fit those qualifications. For example, I wanted a liberal arts college that was recognized for their writing-based curriculum. I found 10 schools from around the country and then narrowed it to 3. I applied to all three and got accepted to 2. I chose my school after visiting the campus.
And, start working on your essay immediately. Most deadlines for next fall are in Jan/Feb. Some are December. Make a timeline and set mini-goals for yourself as to when you are going to have certain things completed.
Also, if you are completely lost, go to a local community college or university and find out their process for admissions and enrolling. Going through that with a local school doesn't mean you have to attend that school - but it gives you a good idea of what to expect.
Good luck to you!
You may use the line however you'd like Graham...
Roxy thanx for the help. I started on all my stuff about a month ago but yours and Gras andvise has been a lot of help, what exactly do you di at your university anyway?
I work for the career services department... I help our graduates find jobs after graduation.
Good luck on your quest for the right place - you'll find it. And I hope it changes your world like it changed mine! College was the best!