I'm Back

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First off I would like to thank Bocin and Gra for holding down the fort. The beach was great and I had lots of fun but I am glad to be back in a world where I have internet axcess. A great change has occured over this past week. Namingways brought his PS2 to the beach with him and we played it a lot. Once I was a nintendo fan boy and would not touch another system. I have changed. I really want a ps2 now. But I shall be patcient and wait for the PS3. However, I have not lost all of my old ways. I will be getting a revolution as well.

Oh and the fantastic four is aa great movie. And it left a lot of room for a sequle. But it seems like they will have trouble coming up with a good title. Because the fantastic 4 two will look to much like the fantastic 42 and where are they going to get 38 more super heros. Possible names could be Fantastic 4: The dawn of doom or Fantastic 4: Doom's day

"I kick ass for the Lord"

2 Responses to “I'm Back”

  1. Blogger Ross 

    thats true. Hope you have had fun.

  2. Blogger Namingways Way 

    lol, I think Sony would settle, and wait for PS4 or 17 to come out and make all of it back. Heh heh...

    Angels have a purple life bar?!

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