Ok I while I was away for the week I bought some CDs. I had heard some of one band but none of the other. My favorite song used to be " All the Small things" by Blink 182. But then I bought a CD by Dispatch (the band I had heard a little of" two of their songs moved my old fav to number three on my list. The songs are "Here we go" and "The General". Dispatch is really awesome. The band combines the styles of punk, classic rock and roll, and some soft rock, to form an awesome mix. And they also have one of the coolest tricks you will ever see on stage. Each of the three band members play a different instrument but everyone can play the others instrument. So while on stage they switch instruments between songs. The other band I discovered while digging through a bargin bin. The cd was only ninety-nine cents and as Graham put it, "If it sucks you couldn't find a coaster for that cheap." So I bought it. The CD turned out to be pretty good. The band is The Ware River Club. This band is a little softer than I normally listen to but they are pretty good. They seem to combine classic rock with folk music. I recomend that you check out Dispatch and The Ware River Club.When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the servic of my God, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid
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