Published Saturday, August 27, 2005 by
I woke up friday thinking this going to be a great day. It's my birthday this day is all about me. Well I was wrong. I was awake for like an hour and neither of my parents had said anything like "Happy Birthday". Finnaly I mentioned it and they both tried to cover up the fact that they had forgot by saying that they were waiting untill 12:30 when I acctually turned 17. Problem is I would be at school then and they would both be at work. So my day had already gotten a bad start. The only redeeming factor of the morning was that my older sister remembered and gave me a bagel she had fixed when I showed up at her appartment so she could carry me to school. I get to school and none of my supposed friends even said happy birthday to me. None of the teachers which I had told the day before that the next day was my birthday said anything. Then at lunch I have to force myself to keep from breaking down and killing some idiot who was insulting me. So I struggle through the rest of the day. I get home and my mom is already at work. My Grandma comes by and she too had forgotten that it was my birthday. Then I get a phone call, it was my brother in chapel hill who had remembered. (Later that night he drove home and surprised me with a gift, my sis didn't even get me a gift and neither did my parents). Now then fast foward through a few hours of my depression. Its then thatv I realise that my best friend is leaving for colege and I'm not going to see him for a while. So I call him to wish him good luck and say good by and he did happen to remember and told me happy birthday ( he had presented me with an awesome present the previous week). By the end of the day I'm really depressed. and am just now starting to get over it, I mean only three people close to me even remembered it was my birthday. well I geuss I need to get back to my quiet depression. "I don't feel like kicking ass right now... maybe l8r" (Rokan to the lord after what he calls the forgotten birthday)